Scary_TechnologyA recent story in USA Today caught our eyes—they reported on a Chapman University survey exploring what people feared the most. They asked 1,500 participants across the country and across all walks of life about their fears and the top five were:

    1. Walking alone at night
    2. Becoming a victim of identity theft
    3. Safety on the Internet

    4. Being the victim of a mass/random shooting
    5. Public speaking

You can stop worrying about becoming a victim of identity theft and being safe online—we’ve got two solutions that put you in control so you’ll never have to fear those issues again.

First, let’s look at identity theft. Rather than constantly fearing that someone will wreak havoc on your financial life and future, why not prevent it from happening before it starts? TDS Identity Protection, powered by industry-leader AllClear ID, acts like watchdog and protects you (and can do the same for your kids). For example, if someone tries to take out a credit card or a loan in your name, TDS Identity Protection will know the second the application is filed and will notify you—and not with a confusing and vague email that you have to follow up on. Instead, you’ll get a phone call with specific information about the activity and a chance to talk with an advisor immediately. You’ll never have to lose sleep wondering if there’s someone out there screwing up your credit—because you’ll know they aren’t. Problem solved.

Second, being safe on the Internet isn’t a fear when you have TDS Internet Security. We’ve teamed with F-Secure, an industry leader in anti-virus and firewall software, to bring you a service that keeps your user names, passwords, payment information, and more safe when you’re online. It’s the full package—anti-virus protection, firewall protection, parental controls, spam controls, and it’ll even detect and clean potential spyware, adware, and trojans that can slow down your computer. Just as good, TDS Internet Security is always-on and always-up-to-date so you never have to think about it, download updates, or manage it. Second problem solved.

And don’t start fearing these services will hurt your wallet – they won’t. You can get both TDS Identity Protection and TDS Internet security for less than $5/mo. for each when you build your own Plus Pack with Remote PC Support (and for only $6/mo. for each without!). And, just because we’re helpful people, here are some tips for getting over your fear of public speaking :-).


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