old payphoneAre you old enough to remember payphones? When I was a tween in the 80s they were all over (and I had one of these on my shoes to make sure I always had a quarter with me). But somehow I doubt my kids have any idea what a payphone even looks like. shoe pocket

You might think payphones are a dying technology, but don’t count them out yet.

Endadget reports that New York City, which has 11,000 payphones, is looking to reinvent and modernize this communication tool by October 2014. To get ideas, the city called for public input and received over 120 entries. Of these, 6 were selected as finalists. Now, the public can vote for their favorite on Facebook until March 14.

The city plans to take the best and most popular ideas and use them to develop guidelines for the future payphone. Check out some of these entries:




To see all of the finalists, click here. What do you think? Can you imagine seeing any of these at the mall or on your street corner?

One Comment

  1. I don’t get it. Is this a study of housing design? is this a cellphone hot spot or a nickel dime quarter payphone?

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