bike driveIt’s National Volunteer Week! Volunteering is a great way to get involved with an organization whose mission is important to you. In fact, TDS employees are encouraged to volunteer in our communities—we even give each employee 16 hours of paid time off every year to get involved and give back.

“We understand just how important volunteering is,” says Kathy Cefalu, vice president of Human Resources. “TDS has long-emphasized the importance of investing in our communities and being good corporate citizens—it’s the underlying reason TDS started offering employees time off to volunteer. It’s our opportunity to support those who are willing to take the time and help make a difference.”

9677530577_513a5cc08f_mVolunteering is so important to TDS, we have a group of employees who meet monthly with one mission: to plan volunteer opportunities for the company. Last year employees:

    • Collected bikes for a bike donation drive
    • Worked at the Wisconsin Public Television auction
    • Collected food for foodbanks & pantries
    • Worked with injured wildlife
    • Filled backpacks with food for school children in need
    • Collected school supplies for so kids would have the supplies they needed for the first day of school
    • Shopped and wrapped gifts for families and individuals in need
    • Were troop leaders for the Girl Scouts
    • Crafted items for charity
    • Collected toys for Toys for Tots
    • Donated time to tutor students
    • Organized blood drives
    • Raked leaves for the elderly

….the list goes on and on (and you can learn more about our giving efforts and see photos on our Community Involvement page. We are proud of our employees and their efforts in 2013 and are looking forward to another busy year.

How do you give back in your community?

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