TDS TVIf you live in Tennessee and have the older TDS TV platform, you might be wondering about what it’ll be like to upgrade to the new TDS TV with Mediaroom. After all, it can be hard to change from something you know and love (I just made the switch to TDS TV recently, so I get it). Let us put any questions you might have to rest—the new TDS TV with the Mediaroom platform is awesome.

Of course, we’re a little biased about how great it is, so don’t take our word for it—listen to folks just like you. We asked a few of our customers who made the switch from the old to the new to share what they think of the new TDS TV and here’s what they had to say:

    • I love it!! The conversion was smooth and the tech was in and out in no time. The DVR is great! I love the instant channel change & the system is so user friendly, we didn’t have any trouble adjusting to the new software. The only thing I miss from the Minerva is the clock on the set-top box :-).


    • –Donna

I have 7 TVs on the new system and we really, really love the DVR, the new faster channel changing, and picture in picture. I do miss the clock on the front of the set-top box though. That little feature is something that we were in the habit of looking at—a minor issue. We love the new Mediaroom. I would say that my favorite new feature of the service is being able to go to my room and finish my own movie!!! Love the Whole-Home DVR.

My conversion only had one minor glitch and that was with my wireless components not connecting like they did on the old system. A simple swap-out of the modem while the tech was on site took care of that. Minerva served its purpose but I don’t miss anything compared to the services I have now. I’m loving the Whole-Home DVR because I can set recordings while I’m away from home and record up to four shows at the same time. Overall, the system is much more user friendly and easy to learn. I did have a slight price increase for the new system but I am also receiving more service—in my opinion the benefits outweigh the increase.

Have you made the switch? If you have, what do you think of the new TDS TV?


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