It’s no longer “Pumpkin Season,” where children gleefully carve jack o’lanterns under mom and dad’s watchful eyes, and Charlie Brown’s “The Great Pumpkin” makes its annual television appearance. It’s now the season of “Pumpkin Spice,” when Starbucks rolls out its sugary goodness and Trader Joe’s packs its aisles with 212 varieties of pumpkin spiced based treats. But this year, we risk the great Pumpkin Shortage of 2015, with crops down by about half from their usual amounts. So take advantage of the pumpkin available — and the handy resources of Seen on Pinterest — to make your own great pumpkin treats while you still can, bypassing the sugar and processed laden treats available on your local grocery shelves.
Here are 10 great ways to use the season’s bounty to your advantage.

terrific…where are the recipes? I’ve added the article to pinterest..but even when clicking images, no recipes appear.
Brenda- just click the captions below. The original source of the article contains the recipes!